levels.svg levels icon sort-down.svg sort down icon sort-up.svg sort up icon search.svg search icon user-circle.svg user circle icon cart-alt.svg cart icon plus.svg plus icon chevron-left.svg chevron left icon chevron-right.svg chevron right icon phone.svg phone icon zoom-in.svg zoom in icon

Classic Firearms Brand Assets


Thanks for your interest in Classic Firearms. Below are Classic Firearms brand resources that are available for download to better assist you in designing a Classic Firearms T-Shirt.



Click Here to Download the Classic Firearms Logo


Blank T-Shirt

Put Your Design On This T-Shirt Template


Classic Firearms Brand Colors



This is a friendly legal reminder that these graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws.

Please don’t:

  • Display these graphics in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by Classic Firearms of your product, service, or business.
  • Use these graphics as part of your own product, business, or service’s name.
  • Alter these graphics in any way, or combine them with any other graphics, without written consent from Classic Firearms.