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Video: Brigand Arms Overview


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Speaker 1:
We are very privileged and honored to be able to introduce a new entry to our Classic Firearms catalog. It's a new product line for us. This is the handguard forends by Brigand Arms. These are all the latest and greatest in carbon fiber technology. Get a close-up on that, Dylan. This is on William's rifle, here. They are very adaptable. You can see it over the stainless barrel. Beautiful cable design in carbon fiber. Now, the beauty of these, folks, and they come in two or three different type of designs, is they are so ultra-lightweight that you almost don't know that you're holding anything, while at the same time being very, very strong. I'm a big guy, and I can get down on this thing and I can't put a dent in it. An aluminum handguard would bend. This is a series of cables, but they hold their shape. They are absolutely amazing. I first saw these at the SHOT Show. One of the vendors, it actually was Fostech, had one of his rifles set up as an ultra-light rifle, with his lightweight receiver on it and this very lightweight cable forearm. You could hardly tell you were holding the entire rifle in your hand. It was incredible. But very strong, latest and greatest cutting edge technologies. Check it out in the ad under Brigand Arms. Folks ... Oh, I wanted to show you something. This may be gimmicky, but I didn't have a scale. I wanted to show you how light these really are. That is a plastic fork, of course, and you know they won't hold very much. I've got leverage against me, and you can see it holding that forearm. That's how light they are, at the same time quite strong.
