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Remington L9MM3: Remington Ammunition 23728 UMC 9mm Luger 1115gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), Brass, Boxer, Reloadable, Non-Corrosive - 500 Round Case - This fine ammo is packaged with 50 rounds per commercial box and 10 boxes in each 500-round case. We sell it under this SKU by the 500-round case. More about Remington ammo. - For nearly 140 years, the Union Metallic Cartridge Company name has been synonymous with some of the finest ammunition made in the United States. Since its beginning in 1867, UMC has blazed a trail of innovation in cartridge making excellence that continues to this day. UMC was the first ammunition company to produce centerfire ammunition, the .22 Long Rifle cartridge, and super accurate "Palma Match" target ammunition. All these milestones mean one thing: Experience. Experience that translates into outstanding performance at a very attractive price. At the UMC division, they make only first quality product, in a limited line of popular specifications, in order to bring you the benefit of manufacturing efficiencies that keep costs low. The rifle and handgun ammunition made today is the product of 140 years of design innovation and manufacturing excellence. So try UMC, and enjoy the experience.