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Video: M39 Closeout Sako Rifles


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Speaker 1:
Hey, everybody. [Beamer 00:00:03] Classic Firearms here. Today we're going to continue with our closeout on our remaining M39 rifles that we have in the building. We started with a lot of these rifles. We're down to a few and we're just closing out the ends and odds of what we have left. Today we're going to concentrate on our Sakos. We have some Sako rifles left that have cracked stocks. We have some with rust. What we're going to do on this is a little different than we've done in the past. Dylan's running the camera. Dylan, come in and focus down in the gaylord, and then we're gonna show folks exactly what we're doing. For the remaining cracked stock rifles, folks, what we're gonna do, on our VKTs we set up different custom options and sold very good cracked, excellent cracked, standard grade cracked. That is difficult to do because we don't know what we're going to encounter as we go down through the gaylord. Here's how we're going to do it on the Sakos. Right now, we know that everything we've segregated out ... And we've got a couple of gaylords of these. This is one. We've got another one up in the tier racks. We know that everything that we have left has a crack of some magnitude in it. Most are going to be very, very minor. So we're going to start with those. What we're going to instruct our guys to go is to segregate or to look for, when you buy at this price point, ones with very minor, non-function inhibiting cracks. Let me show you a couple examples of those. We've got four laid out on top here. Dylan's going to scan this one really quickly. This is a M39 Sako. We'll let you see the receiver while he's there so you can see the branding on it. While you're there Dylan, let's get a shot. This one is a tang crack, but it is very minor and certainly very repairable. That's probably less than an inch in length there on the tang. That would be an example of one of the guns that's going to go out. This, let's see. Here's another one. Again, we have a tang crack. Again, very minor. The light should pick that up, though. You see it good through the lens there, Dylan? I see it. That's the crack in that stock. When we're talking about minor cracks, folks, we're talking about minor cracks. But we are discounting them because of those cracks. Let me see if I can work our way around to this one. Here's another one. Come on back in, Dylan. Nothing here on the tang. I think, if I'm not mistaking, I saw the crack here on the handguard. Now, handguards certainly are certainly non-function inhibiting, and you see there's a divet out of this one on the bottom. But because of where it is in the handguard, certainly not a critical crack. You may get one of that magnitude, or let's go back over to the corner here and look at this one. We have a minor crack that is relegated to the handguard itself, but otherwise, a very nice rifle, and of course, a Sako rifle. Here's what we're going to do, folks. On rifles that have cracks of that magnitude, and that's what we're going to segregate out first, those rifles are going to be priced right now at 299.99. So right now, if you place your order, expect to get ... The guys will sort through. We're going to give them grading conditions. Expect to get a rifle that has a crack no worse than what you've seen here, and those two on the front would be the very worst case scenarios. Best case scenario, you're going to see a beautiful rifle like this with a very minor crack somewhere in the stock at 299.99. When we run out of these options and the cracks become more major than what we're showing here, we'll regroup and do the next grade level at a lower price point, but I would encourage you to take advantage of it at this. That's a Sako M39. We've never had them for less money. That is below our cost at 299.99 with a very minor crack. We appreciate your business, and thank you for being with us at www.classicfirearms.com.
