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Video: Russian VEPRs Banned?!!?


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Speaker 1:
Hey, everybody. Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today is Monday, June the 26th. I'm standing here in front of a VEPR 12-gauge because I have a very important announcement to make. Some of you already know about this. The announcement actually came down about the middle of last week. We have not covered it because we wanted to verify the veracity of it and be sure that it is what it appeared to be. Certainly, it does seem that this is the truth. All further importation of anything being built by the Molot factory in Russia, such as the VEPR rifles and shotguns, has been suspended effective immediately, or actually effective last week, by the U.S. Treasury Department. Let me tell you a little more about that. This all started a couple years ago when Russia invaded the Ukraine and went in and reclaimed some property. The U.S. set up a series of sanctions that affected, at that time, anything made by Kalashnikov or a Kalashnikov concern. Kalashnikov concern, according to the Treasury Department, is any subsidiary or company doing business as Kalashnikov or as a shell company for Kalashnikov, et cetera. Now, I'm not a politician. I'm not a lawmaker. I don't know how true this is, but just last week the Treasury Department released a new set of guidelines as it involves these importations and said that now the Molot factory is definitively included in that and, as such, they have suspended all further importation of VEPR rifles and shotguns. We are only showing one shotgun right now. Normally, we would show a table-full for something like this. The truth is, after that announcement came down, we sold out to the bare walls of everything that we had in the VEPR line. This one is actually reserved for a customer. We have the picking ticket on it. It'll be going back in the box in a moment. That's the bad news. The good news is we had shotguns in transit. We had rifles in transit. We have pre-populated our site with those inventory numbers. We expect those to be in the building by the time you see this video, so if you want a VEPR shotgun, rifle, whatever the case may be, supplies are going to be very limited here. They're already very limited industry-wide. I would encourage you to go look for them. I think we're going to also publish a link to the actual ruling and the Treasury Department statement showing the suspension or the ban on these so you'll know and you can make an educated decision about purchase. As of now, it appears that after the shipments that are in the country, there will be no more of the VEPR rifle of shotguns, so if you want it, get it now. Folks, we appreciate your business. Thank you for watching our videos. If you like them and you want them to come directly to your box through YouTube, just click this link right here, and that'll happen for you. God bless you, and thank you for being with us at www.classicfirearms.com.
