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Video: Whats In The Gaylord? Closeout M39 SKYs!


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Speaker 1:
Hey everybody. Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today, we're going to continue our closeout of our remaining M39 rifles that we have in the building. Dylan's running the camera. Dylan, come on in. Let's look down inside this Gaylord or gondola or whatever you want to call it, this big cardboard box. Folks, what you see here are our remaining Sky, you know the Sky is a sako on the M39, but our remaining Sky rifles in the M39. Dylan, I'll get you to take that shot of that receiver so, we can show the folks the Sky emblem there on the receiver and so forth. It's kind of funny because we've got a new camera. The light's shining up here, and the camera's focusing down here. Did that work? There we go. I got it. I think people can see it. It's good enough. Anyhow, folks, here's the deal. What we have in this Gaylord is everything we have left. The guys in the back have told me that you can expect to get a minor crack stocked in every one of these guns there's going to be at least a minor cracked stock in it somewhere. I'm not going to tell you that you want find any rust, but you're not going to find any heavy rust. There may be a little small amount of rust on some of the sharp corners or what have you, but Dylan, scan this top layer. This is going to be very indicative of the rifles in the Gaylord. I don't see any rust on any of these. I do see blueing ware as is typical for the Sky's. I do see some [inaudible 00:01:26], and as I said before, there are going to be some minor cracked stocks, but there's some very nice rifles in here still. Certainly, all of them are very functional, but most of all is the price, folks. We're clearing these out. We're closing out what we have left in the building. We're down to very small quantities, and we just want to make room for some other projects that we have coming up. These are actually below cost. We're going to run them for a couple of days and see how they do, $299.99. Right now, July 4 special, call it whatever you want to on the Sky M39 remaining quantities. They will be cracked stock so, know that, but $299.99. Hurry up and take advantage of that, folks. It is a great deal. We appreciate your business and God bless.
