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Video: Yugo Zavasta M72 Contest Ends Tonight


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Video Transcript

Speaker 1:
Hey, everybody. Ben at Classic Firearms here. Today is July 31st, and we're going to keep short and sweet because we have a lot going on, but we did want to remind you. Today is the very last day to sign up to win one of our M72 AK rifles. This is the RPK style AK rifle by James River Armory. They have been extremely popular. In fact, they have been off of the site because we've been sold out. They are back on the site now for purchase so, don't miss that, but one lucky winner is going to win one of these great rifles. You can't win unless you sign up. Go to the button right here. Click on the button to sign up to win. Tonight at midnight is the deadline, and we will announce the winner tomorrow. Folks, if you like our videos, and you want to follow us, just sign up. Again, we're going to have a click button right here. You can sign up to subscribe. We appreciate your business. Before I let you go, be sure to tune in tomorrow. We have a great rebate offer that's going to be running for the month of August on some select products. You don't want to miss that. Folks, again, we appreciate your business. God bless and thanks for being with us at ClassicFireArms.com.
