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Video: 1968 Finnish M39 Sneak Rifles


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Hey, everybody, Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today is Tuesday, November 15. What we've got for you today is some 1968 Sneak [inaudible 00:00:12] M39 Rifles. Now, folks, believe it or not, we are about to wrap up our project with the M39s as far as any of the specialty-type rifles are concerned. The Skies, the Sneaks, the B-Barrels. We're almost out of these particular rifles. After that the ones we will have left will be the standard Sakos and standard VKTs. We have mentioned to you before that we will be having an imminent price increase on the Sakos and VKTs. We're going to give you a specific date for that today. We don't want to catch anybody unawares. December 1, December 1, 2016, of this year. Any remaining Sakos and VKTs will be experiencing a price increase, so if you want one of standard rifles, by all means if you want it at the better price point, get it within the next couple of weeks, because they will be going up across the board on December 1. Now we'll get back to these. These are some Sneak 1968 rifles. I'll tell you about them while Jordan scans the table. She's starting on this end, so I'll start on this end. This is a group of very good to excellent all 1968s, good bluing, really nice stocks on these rifles. Since you're still here, this particular one, some collector may know what this means. That is not a yellow sticker. That is paint, so this particular one is painted with that round circle on it for some reason. All of those are very good, excellent, very nice rifles but not unissued. Then we have four of the '68 Sneaks that as far as we can tell are absolutely unissued. These are gorgeous rifles. I see she's scanned it this way, and I'll turn it over. This is just one of four. Unissued doesn't mean perfect. You may see a slight handling mark. I see one here where they've been up against one another in crates. I've got another one that has some factory repairs. It is an unissued rifle. I really like the character that these factory repairs adds to this, but as you can see a beautiful rifle overall. A couple of these, let me see if I can find the one. A couple of these have the Imperial Eagle. I think one of our unissueds has it and one of our very good excellents. Let's get to the point. Here's what we're going to do. Unissued rifles, 1968 Sneaks, M39s on the unissueds. $649.99. There will be a custom option for the Imperial Eagle. On the very good to excellents, $579.99. We've got one of these again with an Imperial Eagle so, it'll be custom option for the Imperial Eagle on that. $579.99 on the very good excellent rifles. We have one that I want to point out to you. It was in the group. We think this is all of our '68 Sneaks that we wanted to include. While we're showing it we'll go ahead and sell it at a discount. This rifle basically looks like an unissued rifle. It's very nice. Jordan, if you'll come in, this one has a fairly significant crack in the stock. It's at an unusual place. We seldom see a crack there in the forearm of the stock. Certainly it's repairable. Certainly the stock is all together, but there will be a significant discount for this rifle under the custom options. Just look for the one with the cracked stock at a significant discount. If you're a fixer of these things, this may be the rifle for you. Folks, don't forget about the price increase coming. We appreciate your business and as always, thank you for joining us here at www.classicfirearms.com.