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Video: ATI AR-15 Pistol Overview


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Speaker 1:
Hey everybody. Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today is Tuesday, May the 2nd and before we get into today's great offering, I wanna remind you once again that we're only a few days away from our drawing for the winner on our FX 9 rifle. We're giving away an FX 9 rifle. It's drawn a tremendous amount of interest. People are loving this rifle, had a great response to it at the NRA show recently, and we're gonna be giving one away, I think over the weekend. So if you haven't signed up yet, there will be a tab right in the corner of this screen as I'm speaking. Go to that tab, click on there, sign up, and you may just win one of our great FX 9 9-millimeter rifles. Now for today's offering. What we have today is an AR-15 pistol by ATI. This is the ATI Omni Maxx Hybrid. This one is in 223 or 556 caliber. We've had these before in 300 Blackout. They're extremely popular. We sold out fairly quickly but folks were saying "Ben, can you get us the traditional one in the traditional AR caliber?" So that's what we've got for you today, ATI 10.5-inch pistol barrel on this with a 10-inch Keymod rail. It has the T-markings on top of the Keymod. Dylan's running the camera, I'm letting Dylan scan this thing as I'm talking about it because they are absolutely beautiful. As you can see, it has the forest green upper and lower receiver. These are polymer upper and lowers that have zinc steel inserts at the key stress points, so they're very light while being very strong. Dylan, before you back off, I'm gonna show you the opposite side. Of course, as I said, it has the Keymod rail, which is one of the most popular configurations of any of the free flow firearms in the industry today. Another great feature of this one is right now, they are coming with an ATI Reflex Rear Sight that just simply goes on and off with the turn of a thumbscrew there, so it's very easily installed. That is coming absolutely free with the rifle, probably a 40 or $50 value on the site. Drop-free mags, very dependable, very tough, very lightweight and controllable, even at arm's length as you can see. We love them, we think you will too. They're at a great price point right now, only $449.99 on the site. Once you see this, they will be live on the site and ready for sale, so come take advantage of it. And as always, thank you for being with us at www.classicfirearms.com.
