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Video: Draco AK-47 Pistols


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Speaker 1:
Hey everybody. Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today is Thursday, June 1st, and we're going to bring this June in with a bang, no pun intended. But we are so excited, because we just received a very small lot of AK pistols, the Draco AK pistol. Romanian made, forge receiver. This is the pistol that all other AK pistols are patterned on. Seems to be the most popular. We have been getting tons of requests for these pistols. They have not been on the US market for quite some time. They're very difficult to get out of Romania. We have searched the marketplace. We seem to be the only distributor right now with Romanian Draco's in house, but we do have them in house and ready to ship. They just arrived. I'm about to leave to go out to a buyer's conference so I won't be here for a couple days. We're trying to get the video in the can but they just arrived, they are here, and we're going to put them out at a very special price point. Don't even know what that price is yet, folks. That's a little premature, but when you see this video, these will be live on the site and available for sale. Draco pistols from Cugir factory in Romania, available now here at Classic Firearms. Don't miss them, and as always, thank you for being with us at classicfirearms.com.
