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Video: Polish Tantal AK-74 Rifle by J.R.A.


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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody. Bill with Classic Firearms here. It's late Friday afternoon, we're trying to get this e-blast out, so I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. But we did want to give you a visual on what is quickly becoming one of our favorite rifles around here. This the Polish Tantal, in Poland I think they call it the WZ88, some refer to it as the VZ88. We just call it a Tantal. 5.45 by 39 caliber. Folding stock. Let me see if I can get this stock to fold. There it goes. Folding stock, you can see how that works and locks back in place. 5.45 by 39. Semi-automatic. Beautiful rifles. They have the side rails for the scope mounts. They have the really nice proprietary Tantal-type muzzle break compensator. These are James River armory, built and assembled. We think they do the finest assembly job on the market today. Come in and look at this rivet work really close there, Matt. All the rivets are seated beautifully. The blueing is very, very nice. All original Bakerlite furniture. A really nice historic weapon in 5.45 by 39 caliber. Hard-hitting. Comes with one 30-round mag. Comes with an owner's manual. There may be some other little attachments in the box, depending on what they had come in with the kits. We're guaranteeing a rifle and a 30-mag, in a hard case with a manual, on sale right now at $849.99. $849.99 for a Polish Tantal. Highest quality made on the market. Don't miss them folks. And we appreciate you being with us at www.classicfirearms.com.
