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Video: Russian M44 Surplus Release


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Speaker 1:
Hey everybody, Ben with Classic Firearms here. Today is Wednesday, May the 17th, and people always say, "Ben, why do you tell what date it is every time you start a video?" Well, it's important for this reason. In today's offering, we literally only have 13 rifles. If you're seeing this video on May the 17th, chances are these rifles are still here. If it's July or August ... you know, some people come across these videos on YouTube. It's been some time later, they're calling up customer service saying, "I want to buy one of those M44s." Folks, if you're seeing this thing three or four days from now or a month from now, chances are these aren't here any more. That's why we always announce it, so you can have a bearing on when we actually have these rifles and whether they may still be in stock or not. Anyway, we got some M44s for you today, Russian M44 7.62 x 54R caliber. Matt's running the camera today. Matt, come on in and take a look at what we've got. Literally what we have on the table is everything we have in the warehouse. These are not pristine. They are not beauty queens by any means, but they are good solid functional M44 rifles. I'll just grab one here at random. The M44 is the short Mosin-Nagant made in Russia. It has the side folding bayonet. Just put those bayonets and flip them over. It's a cruciform types spike bayonet, of course, that has a hinge and folds back up against the weapon, five round bolt action. Everything that we have here is rated from the importer either as a fair condition or a good condition with a minor cracked stock. We're going to sell them all at one money. Frankly, I can't tell very much difference between any of them. Some of the fairs have better bluing than some of the goods. None of the fairs to my knowledge have any cracks in the stocks, some do. Let me grab one of the worst ones as far as bluing is concerned. We'll show you a worst case scenario. Matt's going to scan that for us. You're looking at cosmetics here, folks, but all of these are very functional. All of them fire, the easy to get, hard-hitting 7.62 x 54R standard Mosin-Nagant caliber. They all have their side folding bayonets, and they're all nice little historic rifles. I wish we had more, all we have is 13. Hopefully we can get some more in the future, but I have no idea when or where at this point. We're going to be releasing these tomorrow, so Thursday at noon we're going to do a release on these, all 13, the same money, under the M44 code, $299.99. So $299.99 for any of the M44s on the table, folks, released tomorrow at noon. We appreciate your business, and thank you as always for being with us at www.ClassicFirearms.com. Hey, P.S. folks, sorry about that. We had just wrapped that original video and Matt told me, he said, "Man, you know two or three those of those have a pretty significant crack on them," and I did not realize it. My eyes aren't what they should be. I was looking at it, I thought it was grain. It actually is a pretty good crack. When we know about it, we want to tell you about it, so Matt, let's come in and highlight three rifles. There are three here that have more than just a minor stock crack somewhere. We're going to segregate these after all and sell them as a custom option. This is one. You can see it has a tang crack that curls around and actually has a tang crack on both sides, so that is a fairly significant crack. It's intact right now, but that is certainly a crack that could inhibit function with the recoil and so forth. There's another one right beside it that has something very similar. Is the camera picking that up, Matt? Yes, sir. Where did we put the third one, Matt? I thought I put it right beside it, but now I'm not finding it. Is that it? Okay, there we go, and there's the third one. This one actually has a factory stock splice repair as you can see here, but the crack here is at the tang. On these three rifles, folks, we're going to do a custom option. You will see under the selector box on the ad itself where you can choose a different option to the standard fare. These three we're going to do minus $40 dollars, minus 40 for the stock crack. It'll say major stock crack. Again, all of them I would expect some form of a minor stock crack in them, but these three I would consider function-inhibiting possibly, so we're going to do a minus $40 on these particular three. The others will be at the standard $299.99. I'm glad we caught that. Thank you Matt, I appreciate your input on it. Folks, we appreciate you, and God bless. .
