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Video: Unboxing The Barrett 82A1-CQ 50 BMG


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Speaker 1:
Hey, everybody. Ben, with Classic Firearms here. When you see this, it will be Wednesday, May the 24th. We're actually shooting it a day prior, so today is actually Tuesday, the 23rd. You hear that rain in the background, just like we had on yesterday's video, it is still raining cats and dogs here. So please forgive us for the background noise, that is rain falling on our steel building. It's raining outside, but it is a great day inside, because we have a very special build for you today. This is the Barrett 821ACQ .50 caliber rifle. The BMG. And BMG stands for Big Mean Gun, right Dylan? That's right. That's right! We carry this in both the 29 inch barrel, and the 20 inch fluted barrel variation. This is the 20 inch. We are out of the 29 inch ones right now. We're waiting on another shipment to come in, but we have special permission for a very short limited window of time. For the next 5 days, we can run these at a very special price point. So if you ever wanted a Barret .50 caliber, this is the 20 inch variation, it's the one I have available right now, and now is absolutely the time to do it. Last week we run these things $7999, seven thousand ninety-nine dollars. Right now today, and through, I guess that will be through the weekend at this point, so through Sunday, you can buy these at a thousand dollars off that price. Do not miss this $6999.99, under $7000, for a Barrett .50 cal. Dylan, I don't know if I can shoot this thing from the shoulder or not, let's take a look. I'm holding it pretty steady, but that is a big 'ole honking gun, folks. It makes me smile just to hold it. Look at this thing. Comes complete with everything you see here. Dylan, I think I'm gonna turn it around and sit it back down on it's case, because it is heavy out there at arm's length. It gets heavy anywhere. Mag fed, semi-automatic. Next time we're on the range I am going to shoot it from the shoulder, standing up like that. I want to see that. I've shot them prone, they are amazing. Ten round, box fed magazine, semi-automatic, flip-up sights, come on the weapon. This is a really cool front sight. Dylan, come in here let's shoot down the rail if we can, because it is a T-Mark Rail. And this sight base has a little recess that you can push forward, and when you do it releases, and flips up the front sight. Then of course that just resets it right back down in there. Comes complete with the carry handle. Comes complete with the rear monopods, so that you can at least shoot it from the prone position. They also come packed in with really nice heavy duty Pelican case. This is cool folks, because of the weight of that rifle, the cases come with rollers on the back, so when you're taking them through the airport and that type of thing, of course if you have a long way to go with them, you can just roll them right along. The big thing is the price point though, folks. If you've ever want a .50 caliber again, very limited time, we're not able to do this often, but for the next five days, $6999 on a very nice Barret .50 caliber. While we're talking about ... We do carry the Leupold scope. This is the Mach 4 scope, the M1 scope, specifically made for these heavy recoil rifles. MSRP on the scope is $999.99. We have it currently at $799.99, on the sights, so look under Leupold. If you're in Union County, NC, look under Leupold, but either way it's the same thing. It's written the same way for the Leupold scope. We also have the heavy Leupold rings for that scope. Folks, you can't just put any set of rings on these. It has to be basically this very heavy set of rings, the most popular one is the Leupold, the big nice 30mm rings. You can see how heavy they are. These rings are so expensive, folks, it is just required for the recoil of this rifle. We sell these at cost, basically just as a courtesy to the people that buy our .50 cals. Our cost only rings as $139.99, we sell them at $139.99. Just so you can get in to a set of rings and a scope on your .50 cal. And while we're talking about Leupolds, it has nothing to do with this deal, but we are running a tremendous deal right now on our Leupold ... Let's see, this is the VX1 Scope. This is probably Leupold's most popular all-round scope. It carries their gold ring lifetime warranty. Had to check some notes, there. I'm not terribly familiar with Leupold as I should be, but I do know we're running a great price. I've checked all over the Internet for this. We should have the industry standard on this price right now. Beat by everybody for a limited time, we have these right now $179.99. Folks, we appreciate your business. Take advantage of this great deal while you can, and as always, thank you for being with us at www.classicfirearms.com.
