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Classic Insights - General

Few firearms manufacturers have reached the global stature of Fabrique Nationale (FN). FN has supplied small arms to Western militaries and commercial customers for well over 100 years. From pistols to machine guns, FN is synonymous with quality, military-grade products for clients of discerning taste.

Do you own a drill? Maybe some hand tools? Is there a vise somewhere on your messy workbench? If you answered yes to these questions, you are skilled enough to build a firearm from an 80% lower receiver or frame. Polymer80, based out of Nevada, makes some of the best 80% lowers in the market.

Have you ever purchased a firearm online? If so, you're probably already familiar with FFL transfer fees. For those new to online gun buying, any time you buy a gun through an eCommerce retailer, the firearm is shipped, not to your residence, but to your preferred local Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) gun store.

What if I told you that buying firearms online is simple, safe, and 100% legal? Why not take advantage of the internet for gun purchases? Firearms available through an internet retailer are often cheaper and the selection is vast. Purchasing a gun online can be accomplished in five easy steps.

Military surplus firearms are unique in the industry due to their widely varying conditions. These firearms arrive from all corners of the earth and exist in every shape imaginable.

The C&R License provides a convient method to purchase historic and antique firearms. Collectors are able to have C&R firearms shipped to their residence.

Like most of America, I spent the Fourth of July weekend captivated by season three of Stranger Things.


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