Are 9mm Revolvers Any Good?

A Better Concealed Carry Revolver

Revolvers chambered for .357 Magnum and up are certainly dependable and intuitive, but also have more felt recoil which impacts shootability as well as practicality in a defensive encounter.

On the other hand, revolvers chambered for 9x19 Parabellum (also known as 9mm) afford the user the same reliability while increasing capacity relative to most other revolvers. The 9mm round is also much more manageable for most shooters and offers greater control (allowing for faster follow-up shots). 

These advantages make the 9mm revolver a compelling option for concealed carry, as well as the ideal choice of defensive handgun for individuals:

  • With arthritis and / or joint pain.
  • Looking to add a revolver to their arsenal of 9mm semi-auto pistols.
  • Who want a soft-shooting concealed carry firearm.
  • Who want to transition to 9mm but have always carried revolvers.

In Consideration Of The 9mm Revolver

Though it's niche, the 9mm revolver should not be overlooked as a viable EDC. Their relatively compact size also make great backup / mailbox guns for those who carry semi-autos but want an additional option for personal protection.

Browse our selection of 9mm revolvers and add one to your collection today!